Electric bikes for the whole familyAt J’aimebike we stock only the best ebikes – those we have tried and tested to ensure they meet the standards our customers demand.
Whether you are looking for a family-friendly cargo bike, or a road bike to make your commute easier, pop in and test ride our range today.

Cargo Bikes
Looking for a bike that will adapt as your family changes? We love Bike 43 and Veloe ebikes for their simplicity, low centre of gravity and ability to get you and your family where you need to go.

Bike43 Alpster Eshift
A compact, modular and dependable ebike. The bike43 (bike for three) is a family bike with a ‘best in class’ reputation.

Veloe Multi Ebike
Adaptable for all the family with a range of accessories, the Veloe is great for commuting or picking the kids up from school.
“To use the word transformative is not an exaggeration. The first Saturday with the family cargo e-bike, the girls and I chatted away as I pedalled along by the river, easily making drop off for drama and gymnastics – which was previously impossible due to traffic and always stressful and frustrating even when sharing lifts with friends. I found I had time to stop at a cafe, have a coffee, check my phone and actually relax for a moment – it was surreal – before picking up the girls, and a friend (!) and heading home. The fact that I’d also covered off some exercise as well is an additional bonus! I feel like I have my Saturday morningback, which as any busy mother knows is so precious – and it costs so much less than a car! Plus my daughters (6 and 8) are over the moon with the whole experience, they can’t wait to jump on and head off for the day – it’s unbelievable how genuinely it has impacted. I can only advise people to try one – and let go of any inhibitions or worries that cycling isn’t for them, I’m so glad that Jamie introduced me to the idea, listened to what I needed and helped me find the right bike for me. It’s a life-style change that I’m so delighted I’ve made.”
Electric Bikes
From folding bikes for commuters to mountain bikes and road bike for serious cyclists looking for an eletric alternative, you’ll find them all here at J’aimebike. Why not pop in and take a test ride today.

Dawes Falcon Flo
Ideal for those cyclists wanting a folding ebike, but not wanting to be stuck with boring old traditional designs.

LaPierre EZesty
Unleash the Heat in this all carbon Emountain bike. It’s as light and playful as an ordinary mountain bike.

LaPierre eSensium
This true road bike offers a little electric assistance making it perfect for commuting.
At J’aimebike we stock over 20 brands of electric bikes and can advise you on the best bicycle for your needs and budget.
If you need help choosing your next e-bike, just get in touch.